i3 Design and Consulting LLC
Inspire - Imagine - Improve


Let’s chat.

Contact us for in-person chat about our products and services

Websites never provide you with all the information you need to fully answer all your questions.  As such, we adopted an innovative approach to make sure you are fully informed regarding the depth of our services or the awesomeness of our products.  There are three ways to reach us: 1) You can book an online appointment to chat with us.  Booking an online appointment allows you to pick when you want to talk and how you'd like to do it (Phone/Video); 2) Connect with us through social media.  We're on Facebook, Linked In, and you Tube; or 3) You can complete the form below and we'll email, text, or call you back.

Book an Appointment Online

Connect Through Social Media

Book an Callback Appointment

Use the form below to tell us about your question, and we’ll call you back to schedule an appointment. Please be as detailed as possible. Include what services or products to would like to learn more about.  You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day.


➤ location

1153 Terrace Street
Tallahassee, FL 32303

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
By Appointment

☎ Contact

(571) 334-2110